David Rotman

David Rotman

Staff Accountant


Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Davenport University.

What is your area of specialty – how do you best help your clients?


What are your top 5 strengths? What is your favorite strength?

1-Consistency 2-Harmony 3-Analytical 4-Intellection 5-Includer. Favorite-Consistency.

How do you like to give back to the community?

Currently registered to volunteer at the Meijer LPGA Classic. I’m always happy to help out when the opportunity arises.

What are your superpowers – something you’re good at that others should know about?

I’m generally a quick learner and good communicator.

Accomplishment you’re proud of?

Graduating college.

Tell us about your life outside of work (family/pets/sports/activities/interests/hobbies)

I love to golf and bowl. I’m currently studying for the CPA exam, so free time is limited.

What is your favorite part of working at the firm?

Interacting with people with similar interests, gaining new experiences that will benefit me/others long-term. Most importantly, I
would like to have an opportunity to learn a skill that will allow me to work with people and help them in some way.